“We, the Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community ……are a diverse people with a long history.” These opening words of our Mission Statement nod at the shoulders upon which we stand. 

Three events of the early 1960’s in particular brought us to where we are today. One was the Second Vatican Council which brought us liturgy in English and opened ministry to the non-ordained. Another was the war in Vietnam, and lastly, the construction of Interstates 94 and 35W which cut off parts of the parish from each other and made St. Stephen’s an inner city parish. 

Taking ownership of prayer and church, raising voices of protest against the war, and learning first-hand about the inner city needs of housing, food, employment, and transportation formed us into an empowered, confident, justice-seeking, system-changing community. 

In 2008 when stricter liturgical norms were mandated by the archdiocese, the Spirit community was unable to return to a restrictive, hierarchical model and so began to pray separately, moving forward as Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community.