Q. What is electronic contribution?
A. Electronic contribution is an automatic transfer program that allows you to make contributions to Spirit of St. Stephen’s without writing checks. Transfers can be charged directly to your checking or savings account or to your credit card.
Q. What are the advantages of electronic contribution?
A. It saves you time! It simplifies your life! You also help Spirit of St. Stephen’s stabilize its budget and save money.
Q. Is electronic contribution risky?
A. Electronic contribution is less risky than check contribution. It can’t be lost, stolen, or destroyed in the mail, and it has an extremely high rate of accuracy.
Q. What if I try electronic contribution and don’t like it?
A. You can cancel your authorization for electronic contribution at any time either by cancelling your contribution in Breeze or by notifying us in writing. But, once you’ve enjoyed the convenience of electronic contribution, we doubt you’ll want to go back to making contributions the way you did before.
Q. How do I sign up for electronic contribution?
A. Go to our website, click Donate then select that you want to give weekly, every two weeks, monthly or yearly.
Q. What if I change bank accounts or credit cards? What if I want to change the amount of my contribution?
A. Changes can be made either through Breeze, our church directory system, or by notifying us at Giving@SpiritCatholicCommunity.org.
Q. When and how is my electronic contribution automatically deducted from my account? A. Depending on which method you choose, your specific contribution is electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account to Spirit of St. Stephen’s account.
Q. Without a cancelled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?
A. Your bank statement or your credit card statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transfers. It is proof of contribution.
Q. What if I have other questions?
A. Contact SoSS Treasurer, Jerry Lane, Giving@SpiritCatholicCommunity.org