All are welcome at Spirit Catholic Community - you do not need to be a member of our community, or of any church, to participate fully in our liturgical and community life. If you are interested in formalizing your relationship with our community, we invite you to join the Spirit of St Stephens Catholic Community as a full member. 

Membership is open to anyone sixteen years or older. We invite our members into the following commitments:

1. Affirm the community Mission Statement.

2. Attend community worship as one is able.

3. Make monthly financial contributions to pay expenses and support the ongoing work of the community. Recognizing differing abilities to contribute financially, Spirit Catholic Community considers any level of contribution adequate for voting membership.

4.  Engage in some form of ministry, direct service and/or justice action on behalf of others, within Spirit Catholic Community, the Twin Cities Community or the larger community.  Types of involvement can be wide-ranging, from formal participatioin in social justice action to praying for the communiity and its many needs.  Members have their own definitions of direct service and justice action; no one "checks up" on this aspect of membership.

In order to begin the membership regisration process please fill out the following form. After your membership form is received, you will be contacted by our Communications Coordinator who will provide more information.