Join us for Sunday liturgy at 9:10 a.m. Central Time each week.

Gather with us in-person at 5011 31st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417

There are also two ways to join remotely. If you are joining remotely, we encourage you to join via Zoom as our hope is to gather the virtual community for conversation and experiencing the livestream prayer together. 

Join us via Zoom here (Meeting ID: 860 5267 1364 / Passcode: 337138 / Phone: + 1 312-626- 6799 - US Central)

However, if the YouTube livestream works better for you, please join us on YouTube here.

Worship at Spirit of St. Stephen's is rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition with its rich treasures of saints, seasons, ritual, Catholic Social Teaching and lectionary texts. Worship at Spirit varies from the Roman rite as it values inclusive language, inclusive preaching, inclusive prayer leadership, inclusive communion, and inclusive decision making in and by the community. 

Through the lessons taken to heart in the teachings of Jesus and the call for justice in Catholic Social Teaching, Spirit Catholic Community is Catholic in tradition but is not in communion with Rome. Each week when the community gathers, thanks to the energy of 40+ volunteers, visitors are welcomed, the Word proclaimed and broken open, the Eucharist is celebrated, prayers of need and gratitude pour from the congregation, children are blessed and taught, music soothes and uplifts, and the community grows in wisdom and grace. A pair of prayer leaders gently guide this Spirit-led prayer. 

You, your prayers, your questions, and your energy are welcome at Spirit. Pray with us at our Sunday liturgy at 9:10 a.m. each week in-person or virtually.

Prayer for Peace and Healing is held Tuesdays 5 p.m. via Zoom and Spirit Sharing is held Fridays at 1 p.m. via Zoom. Visit the calenedar page for Zoom info.